About AIP

Who we are

Astatine Investment Partners is a leading, independent, mid-market private equity firm focused on infrastructure investments. 

Based in Greenwich CT and London, AIP manages three funds that invest in infrastructure in North America and Europe. We target investments in the digital, transportation, utility-related and essential services sectors, with the objective of generating attractive risk-adjusted returns for investors through a combination of capital appreciation and a strong focus on cash yield.

We were founded in 2005 as Alinda Capital Partners and are one of the world’s most experienced infrastructure investment firms. We changed our name in 2022 to Astatine Investment Partners, to reflect the shift from our origins as a large-cap, core focused manager to our focus from 2014 onwards on the mid-market, core-plus space.

Differentiated approach to origination

We leverage our extensive industry relationships and network of JV partners to take a differentiated and long-term approach to sourcing. The majority of our investments are sourced through bilateral discussions. We have deep sector and carve-out experience, which enables us to take a hands-on approach to asset management.

Purpose and value creation

We are long-term investors in infrastructure assets that provide essential services to communities. We have invested in infrastructure businesses that operate in all 50 states in the United States as well as in Canada, the United Kingdom and continental Europe. We seek to create value through an active approach to asset management, whereby we look to improve our portfolio companies’ financial performance, environmental, health & safety impact and business delivery, by working closely with management.